I'm trying to get my Silverlight app working on my server. I got this error: Code: 2104, Category: InitializeError, Message: Could not download the Silverlight application. Check web server settings.
First things first... using the HTML page was useful getting an error, but since it's not showing errMsg in the "errorLocation" div as I expected, I simply added
before returning from function onSilverlightError in the header script of the generated ...TestPage.html
I saw the answer first on:
essentially adding Silverlight support to IIS - mime types .XAP and .XAML plus "Enable Content Expiration" to 1 min plus "Execute Permissions" to Script only.
I went to my ServerSea.com control panel and added mime types for .XAP and .XAML and now my Silverlight 2 replication process for AclEditor is in process and working. I've still got to complete the save part of it... download is a challenge for Silverlight but doable in a number of ways. The site is: http://www.acleditor.com/AclEditorSilverlight.aspx
Now it's time to get my entire site up and ready for prime time.
I've got interviews all this week as I finished my Sivlerlight 2 contract Friday with Optimal Interiors - CAD in the Cloud over the Internet for instant room layout, using Silverlight for no-postback client-side intelligence. Too cool ....
Anyhow I've got to get my sites all running optimally here in the next few days.
But acleditor.com is _ALMOST_ 1/2 way ready.
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